
Soundwave - Lo-Fi Wireframes

Initial Wireframes:

To develop the wireframes, each member of my group was put in charge of one main screen. I thus focused on developing the ‘Search’ page of the application.

I focused on developing a search screen that provided easy search functionality, while also providing users with quick ways to access new music. I also included a set of search filtering options, so users could filter music through friends or other elements.

Wireframes Edited:

After receiving feedback from peers on our first low-fidelity sketches, my group decided to make some large design changes before moving on to high-fidelity mock-ups. In general, most of our feedback centered around the fact that our app seemed too much like other current music applications, and we should lean more into the social features of the app to make it more aligned with social media applications.

I focused on expanding the concept of the ‘music universe’ search feature to expand the ‘explore’ features of the app and changed some elements of the general search page too - creating the mock-ups above.

Visual Design Guide:

As a group, we generated a visual design guide to create these mock-ups, interested in generating a modern, sleek, warm, joyful, and exciting color scheme, compatible with grey-scale and color-blind visual modes, paired with legible text.